Blog Archive
Anxiety is a significant mental health problem that affects millions of people. According to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders affect 6.8 million adults, but only about half seek treatment. Whether you're living with anxiety or have a loved one who is, knowing the truth is crucial...
According to the CDC, at least 5% of adults had regular feelings of depression in 2024. That percentage has risen over the last few years, affecting adults and adolescents. 2025 is just around the corner, and it would be great to experience a year with less depression. Living with depression...
Living with panic disorder is tough, especially when you can't seem to get panic attacks under control. It may seem hopeless, but there are ways to control the disorder and get relief from the attacks. At Carolina Wellness Psychiatry, our team of experts provides several treatments to help patients overcome...
Going to sleep and sleeping throughout the night isn't as easy as you may think. Many people struggle to stay asleep and get the rest they need, and it leads to various health issues, including depression and anxiety. Insomnia is an issue that happens when you can't get the rest...
When you need to talk to someone about your life – whether it be stressors, anxiety, or simply figuring out your next step, a psychiatrist is the way to go. They offer in-person sessions, medications, and psychotherapy to improve your mental health and overall well-being. But what if you can't...
Mental illness is becoming more prevalent, with one in every 20 US adults living with a severe form of mental illness, according to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). With the increasing numbers, psychotherapy is an essential tool that provides long-term relief from symptoms. Various types of psychotherapy exist,...
Ketamine has long been a dissociative anesthetic and a street drug that people have abused to get a high – but it's more than just that. In small doses, it's an excellent tool that helps people combat various mental health disorders that don't respond to other treatments. Although it comes...
Everyone has specific struggles and hardships they're living through. Yes, military members have to worry about the threat of war, but someone struggling with how to pay their bills or the aftermath of a car accident worries too. For some people, getting over a hard time is simple, while others...
According to the World Health Organization, anxiety is the most common mental health disorder, affecting more than 301 million people worldwide. Anxiety is something everyone feels at some point in life, whether it's jitters before a first date or stress before flying. However, when worry and fear take over your...
According to the American Psychiatric Association, eating disorders affect about 5% of the population and typically start in teens and young adults. Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are two of the prevalent forms of eating disorders. When teens have an eating disorder, it can lead to life-long health problems and...
Stress, anxiety, and feeling down can happen to anyone. It may last a short period or seem like it never goes away. Not everyone who lives with anxiety or other emotional stress needs treatment, but what if you do? Talk therapy, also called psychotherapy, is one of the essential treatments...
Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a common mental health problem where you have various unwanted or intrusive thoughts that make you perform behaviors that help you cope with those thoughts. OCD is a problematic issue because it often interferes with daily living and everyday activities. The intrusive thoughts and behaviors...
The inability to fall or stay asleep is known as insomnia, which can be acute or chronic. If you're unable to get sufficient sleep, it takes a toll on your physical and mental health. Short-term insomnia often resolves on its own, while chronic insomnia usually requires changes to your sleep...
Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a condition that makes it difficult to concentrate and leads to hyperactivity that often interferes with daily living. Although ADHD itself is complex to deal with, it's even worse if you're living with RSD — rejection sensitivity dysphoria. RSD is often a comorbid condition...
Stressing about whether or not you locked the door on your way to work or turned off the stove after dinner are everyday worries that most people get past quickly. However, if you can't stop thinking and worrying about those thoughts so much that they interrupt your life, they may...
Mental health issues are rising worldwide, but not everyone knows how accessible treatment can be. Whether you're living with depression, PTSD, or anxiety, there's a treatment out there that has the potential to help. Psychotherapy is one of the leading therapies for various forms of mental health disorders that cut...
Adults need about eight hours of sleep per night to function correctly, but most don't regularly get that amount. There are various reasons for lack of sleep, including stress, anxiety, and medical issues like sleep apnea. Insomnia is a problem that affects many people, making it hard for them to...
Although sleep apnea and insomnia are two different sleep disorders, they both disrupt rest throughout the night. Insomnia is a problem with falling asleep or staying asleep. At the same time, sleep apnea is an issue with breathing while at rest. Both issues have long-term harmful effects on your health,...
Our country's mental health crisis worsens, but access to care isn't always easy. During the pandemic, we all had to find a new way of getting health care without leaving our homes, which is where telepsychiatry comes into play. At Carolina Wellness Psychiatry, our team is happy to provide every...
Psychotherapy is a primary treatment option for people with mental health problems. While medications work, they may work better when you're also involved with psychotherapy. Dr. Elizabeth Bullard, Dr. Allison Foroobar, and Dr. Sarah Gilbert offer various psychotherapy treatments for patients with mental health disorders at Carolina Wellness Psychiatry. Our team specializes in psychiatry and...
Depression is a severe mental health problem affecting more than 16 million adults in the US annually, according to the CDC. Even though it's so prevalent, it doesn't make it any easier to accept that you're living with a mental health problem. If you're embarrassed about admitting you’re depressed, the...
If your child has autism, you know their daily struggle too well. Life can get hectic between the difficulty they experience communicating and their struggles with social situations. It's important to understand that you're not alone, and there are plenty of resources available to you and your child to improve...
Trouble sleeping is typical in today's society, thanks to technology like TVs and cell phones. However, if you only have difficulty sleeping when you have a strange feeling in your legs, you could be dealing with a condition called restless legs syndrome. Insomnia is sometimes a byproduct of restless legs syndrome...
Alcohol becomes addictive just like drugs, and may cause issues in your professional and personal life. Suppose you find yourself pouring a glass or two of wine every day after work or drinking more than a few beers every night. In that case, you may be suffering from alcohol addiction. The...
Chronic depression and other mental health disorders are sometimes hard to control without medications, and it may take our team a few tries to find the perfect medicine for your specific condition. However, medication management is a strategy the team at Carolina Wellness Psychiatry uses to ensure your successful treatment. Located in Chapel Hill,...
Depression and anxiety are serious mental health conditions that affect people of all ages, even children and teens. Between hormonal changes and other life changes, it’s sometimes hard to determine how your teen is really feeling. Talking to your teen about depression, anxiety, and their feelings is very important. Your...
The food you eat has a huge factor in your overall health. Every food contains vitamins, nutrients, and in some cases, bad additives that affect your well-being. Just as your diet can make or break your health, it can have a negative impact on your mood and mental state as...
When you have bipolar disorder, your moods are significantly affected. You may go from periods of high energy to feeling down and depressed. These are known as manic and depressive symptoms, respectively. When you’re in the manic stage of this condition, it may cause you to take risks you normally wouldn't...
Friendships, family relationships, and romantic relationships are a vital part of life. Having someone to rely on and spend time with is human nature. However, relationships often come with hard work, heartbreak, and ups and downs. This is especially true if you or your partner are dealing with attention-deficit hyperactivity...
Psychotherapy is one of the main treatments for mental health disorders and substance abuse. From cognitive-behavioral therapy to couples therapy, each form of psychotherapy helps you overcome your mental health struggles. But did you know by doing this, you also improve your physical well-being? At Carolina Wellness Psychiatry, our team offers psychotherapy...
Sleep is essential for a healthy and productive life. A regular sleep cycle helps your body recover and reset every day and keeps your overall health in check. But when you can’t seem to get a wink of sleep night after night, it really takes a toll on your wellbeing....
Do you have an intense fear of spiders? Or is your irrational fear linked to being in a public space? There are hundreds of irrational fears, which are also called phobias. If you suffer from a phobia, you know how much it can impact your daily life. In addition to...
Mental health disorders are on the rise, and finding treatment can be tough. When you suffer from bipolar disorder, it may seem like you’ll never get your condition under control. There are many types of medications available for this condition, but have you considered psychotherapy as an option? At Carolina Wellness Psychiatry, located in...
When you have a long day ahead of you, your go-to energy booster may be a huge cup of coffee — or two. While coffee itself isn’t inherently bad for you, too much of it can pose a hazard to your overall wellbeing and your sleep. In fact, chronic use...
Eating disorders affect many people at different points in their lives. Anorexia and bulimia are the two best-known types of eating disorders; however, the effects of bulimia are often misunderstood, and are actually very severe when it comes to your physical health. Our team at Carolina Wellness Psychiatry are experts...
Obsessive compulsive disorder is a mental health problem that, if left untreated, can rule your life. Between the constant obsessions and overwhelming compulsions, you may be at your wit’s end wondering how to escape. However, there are treatments out there that can help you calm your symptoms and allow you...
If you’re unhappy with the way you look, you’re like many other people in the world. However, if you’re so unhappy with your weight that you resort to starving yourself, you could be dealing with something more serious. Anorexia nervosa is a critical eating disorder that leads to a number...
Depression and anxiety are just two of the devastating mental health problems you can experience in your life. Your mental health is very delicate, and when it’s suffering, everything around you suffers as well. Treatment is very important to keep yourself going, which is why you should consider psychotherapy when...
Sleep isn’t just something you want — it’s something your body needs to function properly. Many different things lead to problems with sleep, including health conditions and certain daily habits. If you’re dealing with issues sleeping every night, you could be suffering from a condition called insomnia. Insomnia is a...
Life can be difficult, whether you’re going through a bad breakup or you’re suffering from crippling anxiety. While journaling and talking to family and friends might help, you may still feel as though you’re fighting a losing battle. The good news is, a treatment called psychotherapy can significantly improve your...
Being a parent is scary, especially when you know about all of the possible conditions that could affect your child at some point. Autism is one of those conditions that can show up when your child is young and affect many different aspects of their life. Although it’s your child...
With all of the stress in your life, it’s common for you to feel down and mentally exhausted at times. But if those feelings don’t go away, and you’re struggling to do the things you love, you might have depression, and you shouldn’t be afraid to get help. At Carolina...
When you’re not getting sleep at night, it affects the rest of your life. A few sleepless nights here and there is normal, but if you’re struggling to sleep just about every night, it could be a bigger problem. Insomnia is a condition that disrupts your sleep pattern, and it...
When you’re dealing with any kind of mental health disorder, life can get pretty tough. Luckily, there are many different medication options out there to help you get your symptoms under control. Some of them, however, have side effects such as weight gain, which most people don’t want. So how...
When you’re suffering from a mental health disorder, there are many therapies that can help. You may be on medications to help control your condition, or you may be starting cognitive behavioral therapy to manage your symptoms. However, it can be hard to get to appointments with your busy lifestyle,...
Do you stay awake at night worrying about things you can’t control? Or do you have the overwhelming urge to wash your hands incessantly, even though they’re clean? These are just a couple of examples of what living with an anxiety disorder is like. Because there’s more than one type,...
With everything going on in the world today, it’s not surprising that anxiety disorders are very common. But suffering from any kind of anxiety is debilitating to your physical and mental health. If you’re dealing with a specific type of disorder, such as obsessive compulsive disorder, living a normal life...
Many of us struggle with our weight or body image at some point in our lives. Wanting to lose a few pounds is definitely okay, as long as you do it in a healthy manner. However, if you’re at the point where you’re starving yourself or making yourself throw up...
Some call it depression, some just call it the winter blues. Feeling not yourself when the cold weather hits is actually pretty common. However, if that feeling turns into depression and begins affecting your daily activities, it may be something more serious. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a real problem,...
Many people don't understand the nature of mental health disorders. If you suffer from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, you've probably heard it all. Dealing with a disorder like this is enough without having to listen to all the untruths said about it. At Carolina Wellness Psychiatry, our skilled...
If you’ve ever had trouble sleeping, you know the feeling of longing for a restful night. That feeling increases tenfold for those who suffer from the sleep disorder insomnia. But do you know how this disorder affects the rest of your life, including your health? At Carolina Wellness Psychiatry in...
Most of us need at least seven hours of sleep per night to function normally during the day. However, if you’re suffering from insomnia, you’re probably praying for any sleep at all. There are medications out there to help you sleep, but they shouldn’t be the first line of treatment....
Our lives are often busy and full of stress day in and day out. If you’ve ever experienced times of high anxiety, you know how much it can affect not only your physical health, but also your mental health. Finding ways to keep yourself calm and relaxed can help keep...
You may think you’re the only one trying to cope with addiction; however, that’s not true in the least. Many people struggle with alcohol addiction every day, and many also find the road to recovery. The caring physicians at Carolina Wellness Psychiatry in Chapel Hill, North Carolina can help you...
Many of us experience some kind of traumatic event in our lives, but after some time we heal. When you or a family member deal with something so terrifying that the fear and pain never go away, it may be a sign of post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. At...
Living with a panic disorder can be difficult on you both mentally and physically. When you add in the current global health crisis, it can have devastating effects on your already anxious mind. While the anxiety can seem daunting and overwhelming to say the least, learning how to calm your...
Most of our children go through phases where they don't listen or have trouble focusing. They may also project defiance or act out. You may think your child is just being difficult. However, there is a chance they may actually have a disorder called ADHD, also known as attention deficit...
Anxiety is a normal emotion, and most of us feel it at some point in our daily lives. It may be butterflies before a first date or the jitters while waiting for an important call. However, when anxiety gets so bad that it begins to interfere with your daily life,...
The World Health Organization lists several gender-specific risk factors for depression that affect far more women than men worldwide, including: Gender-based violence Socioeconomic disadvantage Low income Income inequality Lower social status or rank Unremitting care of others In the United States, additional factors may come into play. For example, hormone...